Saturn's Entrance into Pisces: A New Astrological Era 🪐♓

Welcome to the beginning of a new three-year era on this happy day of Saturn's ingress! Although I had planned to have a video on this topic ready before today, things didn't go as planned. So, instead, I want to give you the essence of the video. If I'm able to record it later, that's great, but for now, I hope this is helpful to some of you!

In case you missed it:
Saturn Return Survival Guide:

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7

Today I'll be discussing Saturn's entrance into Pisces, all of its mundane significations, as well as Saturn through all the houses!

As a slow-moving planet, Saturn takes approximately 28-30 years to complete one cycle through the zodiac, spending about 2.5 - 3 years in each astrological sign. Saturn will be in Pisces from March 7, 2023 - February 13, 2026.

Saturn is known for its energies of discipline, structure, and responsibility, representing the lessons and challenges that we must face in order to grow and mature. When Saturn transits through Pisces specifically, it brings a focus on spirituality, creativity, and growth, while also challenging us to confront our fears and limitations.

As mentioned before, we have had a Saturn-ruled Saturn for the past 6 years. For the past 6 years, the planet of structure and authority has only had to answer to himself, and nobody else. When Saturn enters the watery Jupiter-ruled sign of Pisces, that will change. Saturn will then have to answer to zaddy Jupiter.

A Jupiter-ruled Saturn can help us tap into our inner depths and connect with our higher selves. Saturn in Pisces may encourage us to explore spiritual practices and connect deeper with our innermost feelings and desires, much more than we have been allowed the past 6 years.

At the same time, Saturn in Pisces can also bring challenges related to authority, boundaries and self-discipline. Pisces is a sign that can be prone to escapism and avoidance, and Saturn's energies may challenge us to confront and overcome these tendencies. This may require us to set healthy boundaries and practice self-discipline in order to achieve our goals and make progress in our personal growth.

Saturn in Pisces will bring opportunities for us to develop brand new skills and expand our knowledge, as well as to deepen our connections with others and explore our spirituality. However, it may also bring challenges and tests that require us to confront our fears and limitations in order to grow and mature. Saturn loves to respond with "well that's too damn bad".

Let's talk about the areas of life that may be affected by Saturn in Pisces...

The Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

The mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and especially Pisces) can expect the next 3 years to be an era of discipline, foundational work, and restriction on some level. Especially those of you starting your Saturn return! This may be one of the more challenging ingresses of the year for some - not that the entirety of Saturn in Pisces will be challenging, but that the initial change of Saturn moving from its domicile to a sign where it has no particular dignity.

Here are a few things the Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and especially Pisces houses in our charts might expect to learn from Saturn transits:

  1. The importance of discipline and structure: Saturn's influence can help to strengthen and stabilize systems and structures, but it may also bring about a greater emphasis on discipline, responsibility, and following rules and regulations. This can be a learning opportunity to understand the importance of these qualities in achieving goals and creating stability.

  2. The value of hard work and dedication: Saturn's transits can often bring about challenges that require perseverance, hard work, and dedication. Through these experiences, you may learn the value of putting in effort and staying committed to your goals.

  3. The need for adaptability and flexibility: Saturn's transits can also bring about a need for adaptability and flexibility, as they often coincide with changes and challenges that require adjustments to existing systems and structures. Learning to adapt and be flexible can be a valuable skill in navigating these changes.

  4. The role of loss and change in personal growth: Saturn transits can often bring about significant changes and challenges that may involve loss or separation. These experiences can be difficult, but they can also be a learning opportunity to understand the role of loss and change in personal growth. Through these experiences, you may learn to cope with loss and find resilience in the face of change.

Overall, Saturn transits can be challenging, but they can also be a learning opportunity to understand the importance of discipline, hard work, and adaptability in achieving stability and success.

Government systems

Saturn is a planet that is associated with foundations, structure, systems, and responsibility, and its presence can bring about changes and challenges in the realm of government systems and structures.

One potential effect of Saturn in Pisces is a greater focus on accountability and responsibility within government systems. Saturn's influence can help to strengthen and stabilize these systems, but it may also lead to increased scrutiny and pressure to meet certain standards or expectations. This could result in changes to policies and procedures, as well as a greater emphasis on following rules and regulations.

Saturn in Pisces suggests that we may see a rise in legislation related to spiritual and alternative practices that have traditionally been regarded as out-of-bounds by mainstream society. This could include practices such as astrology, tarot readings, and the use of psychedelics for therapeutic purposes. The influence of Saturn can bring a more conservative and structured approach to these topics, which may result in more regulations being imposed on these practices. This could potentially impact the ability of individuals to access and participate in these practices. It is important to keep an eye on any changes in legislation around these topics and advocate for responsible and informed decision-making.

Additionally, Saturn in Pisces may bring about a need for greater adaptability and flexibility within government systems. Pisces is a mutable sign, which is associated with adaptability and the ability to change and adapt to new circumstances. With Saturn in this sign, there may be a need to adapt to changing circumstances or new challenges, which could require significant adjustments to existing systems and structures. This may include a focus on stability and responsibility in government or the emergence of new structures or systems that are designed to meet the needs of the collective.

Financial structures

Saturn rules financial systems and structures, and Pisces is a sign that is traditionally ruled by Jupiter, which is a planet that is associated with wealth. When Saturn is in Pisces, it may bring about a focus on the structure of financial systems and the need for stability and security.

One potential effect of Saturn in Pisces is a greater focus on accountability and responsibility within financial systems. Saturn's influence can help to strengthen and stabilize these systems, but it may also lead to increased scrutiny and pressure to meet certain standards or expectations. This could result in changes to policies and procedures, as well as a greater emphasis on following rules and regulations. A shift with financial institutions or crypto is surely in the air.

The placement of Saturn in Pisces may potentially introduce a sense of delusion to the broader economic and financial systems. This could be due to the influence of Pisces, a sign that is associated with mysticism, dreams, and illusions. Saturn's presence in Pisces could magnify these qualities and make it easier for people to believe in unrealistic or unfounded economic concepts or investment opportunities. This could lead to bubbles or crashes in the stock market, and a general loss of confidence in financial institutions. It's important to remain vigilant and rational in our approach to finance and investment, especially during periods of uncertainty and confusion.

Additionally, Saturn in Pisces may bring about a need for greater adaptability and flexibility within financial systems. Pisces is a mutable sign, which is associated with adaptability and the ability to change and adapt to new circumstances. With Saturn in this sign, there may be a need to adapt to changing financial circumstances or new challenges, which could require significant adjustments to existing systems and structures.

Pisces is also a sign that is associated with collective themes and the needs of the community, and Saturn in Pisces may bring about a focus on the distribution of wealth and resources within society. This may involve a shift towards more equitable distribution of wealth or a need to find ways to support and uplift marginalized or disadvantaged groups.


Saturn, a planet associated with discipline and structure, is entering the sign of Pisces, traditionally ruled by Jupiter, a planet connected to expansion, learning, and wisdom. As Saturn enters Pisces, there may be a focus on the structure and discipline of education systems. This may involve an increased emphasis on effective learning methods or a need to establish clear boundaries and expectations within education. In recent years, we have witnessed the education system face challenges, including the impact of the virus and the emergence of AI programs.

Saturn entering Pisces may bring about a renewed emphasis on accountability and responsibility within educational systems. This could involve stricter standards and increased pressure to meet certain expectations, leading to changes in policies and procedures. Saturn's influence may also help to stabilize and strengthen educational systems by promoting a greater focus on following rules and regulations. However, this increased focus on discipline and structure could also bring challenges, such as increased scrutiny and pressure to meet certain standards.

Saturn's presence in Pisces may also necessitate a greater level of adaptability and flexibility within educational systems. Pisces, a mutable sign, is known for its ability to adapt and change in response to new circumstances. With Saturn in this sign, educational systems may need to be more agile and open to change in order to meet new challenges and adapt to changing circumstances. This could involve significant adjustments to existing systems and structures in order to remain responsive and effective.

With Saturn in Pisces, there is a possibility of increased delusion in academia and the education system as a whole. Pisces is associated with the imagination and creativity, and while this can be beneficial for artistic endeavors, it may not always serve well in more objective fields such as science or history. The presence of Saturn, a planet of discipline and structure, in Pisces may amplify this tendency and create an environment where subjective beliefs or opinions are given more weight than objective facts. This could lead to a decline in the quality of education and research, as well as a lack of critical thinking and analysis. It is crucial to maintain a balance between imagination and rationality, and to promote the pursuit of knowledge based on evidence and data rather than personal biases or preferences.

Elders and Old People

Pisces is also a sign that is associated with the end of cycles and the passage of time, and Saturn in Pisces may bring about a focus on the needs and experiences of older people. This may include a focus on issues related to aging, such as healthcare and retirement, or a shift in societal attitudes towards older people and their contributions. Generations continue to age, afterall.

Saturn's presence in Pisces may also bring about changes to systems and structures related to health care and retirement. In the realm of healthcare, Saturn's influence may lead to a greater focus on accountability and responsibility, resulting in changes to policies and procedures and a greater emphasis on following rules and regulations. The need for adaptability and flexibility may also become more pressing, as health care systems may need to adapt to changing circumstances or new challenges.

Similarly, Saturn in Pisces could bring about changes to retirement systems, such as an increased focus on discipline and responsibility and a need for adaptability in response to changing circumstances. These changes could be necessary to strengthen and stabilize these systems, but may also present challenges and require significant adjustments to existing structures.


Saturn in Pisces can be a foundational time for creative pursuits. When Saturn is in the sign of Pisces, it can help to improve your creativity by providing a sense of focus and purpose to your artistic endeavors. Pisces is a creative and intuitive sign, and its influence can help to inspire and stimulate your imagination.

However, Pisces can also be prone to procrastination and a lack of discipline, which is where Saturn comes in. Saturn's influence can help you to stay organized and on track, which can lead to increased productivity and better quality work. Additionally, Saturn in Pisces can help you to develop a strong sense of inner discipline and determination, which can be essential for cultivating your creative skills and bringing your ideas to fruition.

This is why such epic art and music is birthed from this transit. Saturn in Pisces brought us Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins, Tupac, Whitney Houston, Dr. Dre, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Doors, Billie Holiday, and many more.

With Saturn's influence, you may find it easier to stay motivated and committed to your artistic pursuits, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Overall, Saturn in Pisces can be a beneficial influence for those looking to improve their creativity, as it helps to provide a sense of structure and discipline that can be essential for achieving success in any creative field.

Capricorn risings and Aquarius risings...

...Are are about to embark on a Jupiter-ruled next few years! This is very exciting for growth and advancement! The last time Saturn was in a Jupiter ruled sign was Dec 23, 2014, to Jun 14, 2015 and Sep 17, 2015, to Dec 19, 2017, when it was in Sagittarius. That time, it was a bit more fiery. This time it'll be a bit more inward.

Capricorn and Aquarius houses, planets, or points, can expect some Jupiterian or Pisces archetypes to layer on their experiences:

  • The Healer: Pisces is associated with compassion and the ability to heal, and those with strong Pisces influences may be natural healers or helpers.

  • The Creative: Pisces is a creative and artistic sign, and those with strong Pisces influences may have a natural talent for creative expression.

  • The Mystic: Pisces is a spiritual and intuitive sign, and those with strong Pisces influences may have a deep connection to the unseen world and the ability to tap into higher states of consciousness.

  • The Explorer: Jupiter is associated with a sense of adventure and the desire to explore new horizons. Those with strong Jupiter influences may be natural explorers and have a desire to travel and learn new things.

  • The Teacher: Jupiter is associated with learning and wisdom, and those with strong Jupiter influences may have a natural inclination towards teaching and sharing their knowledge with others.

  • The Visionary: Jupiter is a planet of big ideas and grand plans, and those with strong Jupiter influences may be natural visionaries and have a talent for seeing the big picture and thinking outside the box.

The last times Saturn was in Pisces

You can look back on these dates to get an idea of what to expect when Saturn transits this area of your chart:

  • May 21, 1993, to Jun 30, 1993

  • Jan 28, 1994, to Apr  7, 1996

  • Mar 23, 1964, to Sep 16, 1964

  • Dec 16, 1964, to Mar  3, 1967

  • Feb 14, 1935, to Apr 25, 1937

  • Oct 17, 1937, to Jan 14, 1938

Again, this shift will affect all of us, but the shift will be loudest for Capricorn risings, Aquarius risings, and people with planets or points in the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

And again again, people with Saturn in Pisces begin their Saturn return! Check out the Saturn Return Survival Guide if that's you.

The arduous journey of Saturn's trek through Pisces might pose some obstacles, but fear not! It's a great opportunity to learn the art of discipline, hard work, and adaptability, all of which can lead to stability and success. Sure, it may require some serious soul-searching and facing up to our limitations, but the pay-off is worth it. By doing so, we might even uncover hidden talents, foster deeper bonds with those around us, and dive into the spiritual realm.

In summary, this transit can be seen as a chance to explore our innermost selves, flex our creative muscles, and reinforce the foundations of our lives. So, instead of shying away, let's buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Are you expecting anything to come up for this big transition? Let us know in the comments!

If you want to join a friendly astrology & tarot community full of supportive mystics, don't forget you can chat with me and other chill people in my 9th house discord.

I am endlessly thankful for your support and you being here! Let me know if you have any questions or need any clarification. <3

Saturn in Pisces through the houses:

  • The 1st house is associated with the self, including the physical body, personality, and overall identity. When Saturn moves through your 1st house, it can bring significant changes and challenges related to your self-image, identity, and personal growth.

    Saturn is often associated with discipline, hard work, and responsibility, and its movement through your 1st house may require you to take a more serious and mature approach to your self-expression and personal development. You may find that you become more self-aware and introspective during this period, as you reflect on your values, goals, and priorities.

    Some possible effects of Saturn's transit through your 1st house include:

    • Rethinking your goals and priorities in life, and making changes to align with your true values and passions

    • Experiencing significant changes in your personal life, such as getting married, divorced, or having children

    • Feeling a heightened sense of responsibility for your personal life path and overall wellbeing

    • Experimenting with changes in your physical appearance or personal style

    • Seeking to present a more mature and responsible image to the world, especially in professional or public settings

    • Reevaluating personal relationships and letting go of those that no longer serve your growth and development

    • Focusing on self-care and improving your physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing

    • Developing a stronger sense of self-awareness and identity, and working towards greater self-acceptance and self-love

    • Assessing your personal strengths and weaknesses and taking steps to improve yourself and reach your full potential.

    • Becoming more assertive and confident in expressing yourself and asserting your boundaries

    • Facing challenges and obstacles that test your resilience and determination

    • Experiencing a period of self-discovery and exploration as you navigate this transformative phase of your life

    • Feeling a sense of pressure to establish your identity and define your place in the world

    • Reassessing your relationship with authority figures and finding a healthy balance between respecting others and asserting your own needs and desires

    • Experiencing a renewed sense of purpose and direction in your life, and feeling empowered to take charge of your own destiny

    • Exploring new interests and hobbies, and finding ways to express yourself creatively

    • Learning to embrace change and uncertainty as you navigate this period of personal growth and transformation.

  • When Saturn moves through your 2nd house in astrology, it can bring significant changes and challenges related to your finances, values, and sense of self-worth. Saturn spends approximately 2.5 - 3 years in each zodiac sign, so this transit can have a lasting impact on your financial situation and overall sense of stability.

    The 2nd house is associated with personal finances, material possessions, and your sense of self-worth. When Saturn moves through this house, you may experience a period of financial challenges or limitations, but also have an opportunity to re-evaluate your values and priorities.

    Here are some possible effects of Saturn's transit through your 2nd house:

    • Reevaluating your personal values and beliefs, particularly around money, material possessions, and self-worth.

    • Challenges related to financial stability, income, and resources, which can create stress and uncertainty in your life.

    • Examining your relationship with money and material possessions, and making changes to align with your values.

    • Developing a stronger sense of self-worth, and feeling more confident in your financial and material resources.

    • Reassessing your relationship with possessions, such as decluttering or downsizing your belongings.

    • Facing financial obstacles or setbacks, which can be discouraging but can also present an opportunity to learn and grow.

    • Making significant strides towards financial stability and independence, which can bring a sense of accomplishment and empowerment.

    • Feeling a sense of pressure or responsibility to provide for yourself and/or family, and potentially taking on additional work or financial commitments.

    • The need to budget and manage finances more responsibly, potentially seeking the help of financial advisors or mentors.

    • Challenges related to material possessions and a desire to simplify or minimize materialistic tendencies, leading to a more minimalist lifestyle.

    • Making significant career changes or taking on a new role in order to increase financial stability and security.

    • Confronting limiting beliefs or patterns related to money and abundance, and working towards shifting these beliefs through mindset work or therapy.

    • Reevaluating your definition of success and how it relates to financial abundance and material possessions, potentially leading to a shift in your priorities and goals.

  • The 3rd house is associated with communication, learning, and your immediate environment, including your friends, roommates, siblings or relatives, commuting/transportation, neighborhood, communication, technology, divination, technical skills (esp writing), or your perspectives/the way you’ve been thinking about something. When Saturn moves through your 3rd house, it can bring significant changes and challenges related to your communication style, relationships with those closest to you, and mental perspectives.

    Saturn's influence may require you to take a more serious and disciplined approach to your communication style, which could lead to improved relationships and better outcomes in your personal and professional life. Additionally, you may experience challenges in your relationships with siblings, relatives, or neighbors, which may require a more mature and responsible approach to these connections.

    Here are some possible effects of Saturn's transit through your 3rd house:

    • Focusing on improving your communication skills and building better relationships with siblings, relatives, and close friends

    • Experiencing changes in your immediate environment, such as moving to a new neighborhood or changing roommates

    • Feeling the need to take a more responsible and organized approach to commuting, transportation, and daily routines

    • Developing technical skills and proficiency with technology, particularly in regards to writing and other forms of communication

    • Reevaluating your perspectives and thought processes, possibly through therapy or counseling, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth

    • Exploring divination and other spiritual practices to gain a deeper understanding of the world around you

    • Challenges related to misunderstandings or miscommunications, leading to the need for greater clarity and precision in language

    • Feeling pressure to focus on education or lifelong learning, potentially returning to school or pursuing advanced degrees

    • Experiencing obstacles or delays in travel or transportation plans

    • Feeling a sense of limitation or restriction in expressing yourself creatively or intellectually

    • Reevaluating your relationship with social media and technology, and finding a healthier balance in their use

    • Issues in your siblings life

    • Feeling a heightened sense of responsibility in sharing knowledge and information with others, potentially taking on a teaching or mentoring role

    • Feeling a sense of obligation to use communication skills to advocate for social justice or important causes.

  • When Saturn moves through your 4th house in astrology, it can bring significant changes and challenges related to your foundation, home, family, and sense of security.

    The 4th house is associated with your roots, including your childhood, family history, and ancestral traditions. When Saturn moves through this house, you may experience a period of increased responsibility and discipline in your personal life.

    Here are some possible effects of Saturn's transit through your 4th house:

    • Changes to your living situation, such as moving to a new home or making changes to your living environment

    • Challenges in relationships with family members. You may need to confront difficult conversations or conflicts with family members, and may need to take a more mature and responsible approach to these relationships

    • You may feel motivated to research your family's past or seek out ways to honor and preserve your cultural heritage

    • You may need to establish more routine and structure in your home life, or may need to confront old patterns of behavior that are no longer serving you

    • Confronting challenges related to their sense of security and stability

    • Facing obstacles related to real estate or property ownership

    • Dealing with family dynamics and conflicts

    • Reflecting on one's childhood and upbringing

    • “Settling down”

    • Feeling a sense of responsibility or duty towards caring for aging or ill family members

    • A desire to create a sense of home and belonging, even if it means establishing new traditions or family structures

    • Exploring one's cultural or ancestral heritage

    • Working on building a stronger emotional foundation and sense of inner security

    • Taking steps to establish financial stability and security for oneself and one's family

    Reassessing one's values and beliefs related to family and home life, and making changes to align with personal goals and priorities.ning one's family history and roots

  • When Saturn moves through your 5th house, it is associated with significant changes in your creative expression, recreation, and love life. During this period, Saturn may test your approach to these areas of life, forcing you to reassess your priorities and commitments. This can be a time of increased focus on personal expression and creativity, as well as a period of introspection around your relationship with pleasure, fun, and recreation.

    This transit may also prompt you to reassess your relationships and your approach to love and romance. This can lead to a greater sense of maturity and responsibility in your personal and romantic life. However, this change can also bring about challenges, such as difficulties in finding or maintaining relationships, or feeling a sense of pressure to settle down.

    Additionally, the 5th house is associated with children and childbirth, so this Saturn transit may prompt you to reevaluate your views on starting a family and the responsibilities that come with being a parent.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn return in the 5th house can include:

    • Reevaluating your relationship with fun and pleasure, and potentially feeling pressure to tone down impulsive or careless behavior

    • Feeling a sense of responsibility or obligation to bring more structure and discipline to your creative pursuits or hobbies

    • Challenges or changes in your dating or romantic life, including difficulties with commitment or finding a sense of security in relationships, or reassessing sexuality

    • Dealing with the responsibilities of starting a family or having children

    • A shift in your focus from short-term indulgences to more long-term plans and investments in your creative or leisure interests.

    • Feeling a need to take more risks and express your authentic self, even if it goes against social norms or expectations

    • A desire to pursue a creative career or passion project, but facing obstacles or setbacks in the process

    • Challenges related to self-expression, such as stage fright or writer's block

    • Feeling pressure to conform to societal expectations around gender roles, sexual orientation, or artistic expression

    • Exploring new forms of self-expression or creative outlets, such as dance or painting

    • Reevaluating your relationship with children, whether it's wanting to have them or focusing on your relationship with them if you already have children

    • A focus on personal growth and self-discovery through creative or leisure pursuits

  • When Saturn transits through your 6th house, it is associated with changes in your work, health, pets and daily routine. This can be a time of increased focus on responsibility and discipline in these areas of life, as Saturn tests your ability to manage your workload and maintain your physical and mental well-being.

    During this period, you may experience challenges related to your job, such as feeling overworked, dealing with difficult colleagues or clients, or facing challenges in your career. You may also experience physical health issues or challenges in your daily routine, such as difficulties in finding a work-life balance or difficulties in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Your responsibility and relationship with your pets may also change during this transit. This can manifest in experiences such as having to make decisions about the care and well-being of your pets, or needing to take on more responsibility for their care. You may also need to reevaluate your relationship with your pets and make changes to better support their well-being.

    However, this can also be a transformative time, as you are able to develop stronger work ethics and healthier habits. It's important for you to find healthy ways to cope with these challenges, such as seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-care, or seeking therapy or counseling. With a positive attitude and proactive approach, the Saturn transit through your 6th house can be an opportunity for personal growth and improved health and work habits.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn transit through the 6th house can include:

    • Feeling overwhelmed by work and responsibilities

    • Struggling with physical health issues or chronic conditions

    • Feeling frustrated with daily routine and lacking a sense of direction

    • Facing challenges in the workplace or with colleagues and clients

    • Making changes to improve work-life balance and overall health habits

    • Taking on new responsibilities or learning new skills to advance in your career

    • Re-evaluating your approach to work and health and making positive changes

    • Feeling a sense of duty and responsibility towards serving others in a professional capacity

    • Feeling a need for structure and organization in daily life and work routines

    • Challenges related to time management and balancing multiple tasks and responsibilities

    • Experiencing conflicts or tension in the workplace due to differences in work styles or approaches

    • Reflecting on the relationship between physical health and mental well-being, and making changes to support both

    • Feeling pressure to meet expectations and standards in one's work or professional role

    • Experiencing a shift in career goals or aspirations, leading to a need for retraining or further education

    • Dealing with health topics more frequently

    • Confronting limitations or obstacles related to work or health, and finding creative solutions to overcome them

  • When Saturn transits through your 7th house it is associated with major changes and transitions in your relationships and partnerships. This can be a time of increased self-awareness and introspection about your patterns and tendencies in relationships, as well as a time to reevaluate the balance of give-and-take and boundaries in your partnerships.

    During this period, you may experience challenges related to your one-on-one time, as Saturn tests the foundation of these connections and makes you confront any limitations or restrictions that have been holding you back. This can manifest in experiences such as feeling a sense of uncertainty about a romantic relationship, struggling with trust issues, or feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities and expectations of a partnership.

    However, this can also be a transformative time, as you are able to develop a stronger understanding of your own needs and desires in relationships and to create more fulfilling partnerships. It's important for you to find healthy ways to cope with these emotions, such as seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-care, or seeking therapy or counseling. With a positive attitude and proactive approach, the Saturn transit through your 7th house can be an opportunity for personal growth and relationship development.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn transit through the 7th house can include:

    • Reevaluating existing relationships and reassessing the balance of power and responsibility within those relationships

    • A desire to establish stronger, more committed partnerships, whether in love or business

    • Experiencing challenges or obstacles in finding a compatible partner, leading to a stronger focus on self-improvement and personal growth

    • Examining patterns in past relationships and learning from past mistakes

    • Feeling a sense of responsibility to create a more mature and stable relationship dynamic for yourself (getting married, divorced, or opening the relationship for example)

    • A focus on working through conflict and resolving relationship issues in a responsible and mature manner

    • A desire to define and clarify relationship roles, boundaries, and expectations

    • Reflecting on the dynamics of partnership and the impact of relationships on one's personal growth and development.

    • Examining the balance of give and take in relationships, and making adjustments to create more harmony and mutual respect

    • Experiencing challenges related to partnerships, such as legal disputes, financial disagreements, or difficulties with compromise

    • Reevaluating one's own approach to relationships and communication, and making changes to improve communication and build stronger connections with partners

    • Feeling pressure to conform to societal expectations around relationships and marriage

    • Exploring new forms of partnership, such as polyamory or open relationships, and learning to navigate the complexities of non-traditional relationships

    • Challenges related to finding the right business partner or collaborating effectively with colleagues

    • A desire to find a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in relationships, beyond just companionship or practicality.

  • When Saturn transits through your 8th house it can indicate major changes and transitions related to shared resources, transformation, and the deeper aspects of life. This can be a time of increased introspection and self-awareness, as well as a time to reevaluate your values and beliefs related to these areas.

    During this period, you may experience challenges related to financial stability, emotional security, and your sense of control over your life. Saturn tests your foundation and makes you confront any limitations or restrictions that have been holding you back, which can manifest in experiences such as financial stress, relationship difficulties, or emotional turmoil.

    However, this can also be a transformative time, as you are able to work through your baggage and gain a deeper understanding of your emotional and financial needs. It's important for you to find healthy ways to cope with these emotions, such as seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-care, or seeking therapy or counseling. With a positive attitude and proactive approach, the Saturn transit through your 8th house can be an opportunity for personal growth and emotional healing.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn transit through the 8th house can include:

    • Reevaluating and restructuring financial agreements and relationships related to shared resources, such as mortgages or loans

    • Confronting past traumas, losses, and deaths, which can bring a deeper understanding of their emotional and psychological needs

    • Experiencing challenges related to personal transformation, such as finding stability after significant changes in life or overcoming anxiety or mental health issues

    • Creating or working with inheritance, Living Trusts or a Will. Working through challenges with these topics

    • Examining their own personal values and beliefs related to money and wealth, and making changes to align them with their life goals and priorities

    • Reassessing the power dynamics in relationships and exploring the role they play in their own life, including their own fears and insecurities.

    • Exploring new avenues for deepening intimacy in close relationships, both romantic and non-romantic

    • Feeling a sense of heightened intensity in relationships, which can bring challenges or breakthroughs in emotional connections

    • Seeking spiritual or psychological guidance to navigate complex emotional landscapes

    • Experiencing a sense of vulnerability or loss of control in personal and professional relationships, learning how to build upon that

    • Feeling a sense of responsibility to confront and overcome personal demons or limiting beliefs

    • Reassessing one's understanding of life and death, and exploring their own mortality and legacy

    • Exploring alternative approaches to healing, such as therapy or alternative medicine, to address deep-seated emotional or physical issues

    • Feeling a sense of urgency to make positive changes in their personal and professional life, and taking decisive action to achieve those goals.

  • When Saturn transits through your 9th house it is associated with major changes and transitions in your beliefs, values, and worldview. This can be a time of increased self-awareness and introspection, as well as a time to reevaluate your understanding of the world and your place within it.

    During this period, you may experience challenges related to your beliefs and understanding of the world. Saturn tests your foundation and makes you confront any limitations or restrictions that have been holding you back. This can manifest in experiences such as feeling a sense of uncertainty about your beliefs, struggling with self-doubt, or feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities and expectations of adulthood.

    However, this can also be a transformative time, as you are able to develop a stronger sense of self and a clearer direction for your life. It's important for you to find healthy ways to cope with these emotions, such as seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-care, or seeking therapy or counseling. With a positive attitude and proactive approach, the Saturn transit through your 9th house can be an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn transit through the 9th house can include:

    • Re-evaluating one's beliefs and spiritual practices

    • Feeling a sense of boredom or disillusionment with belief systems

    • Struggling with fear and anxiety related to spirituality or religion

    • Considering taking a journey or trip to gain new perspectives, traveling abroad

    • Feeling a need to study or learn more

    • Feeling pressure to conform to societal norms and beliefs

    • Re-evaluating one's relationship with astrology, the occult, and other esoteric subjects

    • Feeling a sense of responsibility to share their knowledge and beliefs with others

    • Experiencing challenges related to the legal system or academia

    • Challenges or blocks while traveling

    • Exploring different philosophical or religious traditions and practices

    • Challenging the beliefs and values that were taught to you in childhood

    • Feeling a sense of disconnect from one's cultural or religious identity, and questioning what it means to you

    • Encountering individuals or experiences that challenge your worldview and force you to reconsider your beliefs

    • Feeling pressure to conform to certain moral or ethical standards in your personal and professional life

    • Struggling with a crisis of faith or loss of belief in something that was previously important to you

    • Exploring higher education, whether that be pursuing a new degree or taking courses to expand your knowledge and skills

    • Encountering challenges related to publishing, media, or broadcasting, such as difficulty getting your message out to a wider audience.

  • When Saturn transits the 10th house, it can bring significant changes and challenges related to your career and public image. This period can be a test of your career foundation, forcing you to confront any limitations or restrictions that have been holding you back in your professional life.

    During this transit, you may experience challenges such as uncertainty about your career direction, self-doubt about your abilities, or feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities and expectations of your role. You may also face changes in your job or career, difficulties in advancing in your field, or negative feedback from the public or your peers.

    However, this transit can also be a transformative time, allowing you to develop a stronger sense of purpose and direction in your professional life.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn transit through the 10th house can include:

    • Feeling a strong urge to take on more responsibility and leadership roles in your career

    • Struggling with the expectations and pressure that come with being in a high-profile job or position of authority

    • Reassessing your career goals and priorities, and making significant changes to your career path

    • Dealing with challenges related to authority figures or colleagues in your professional life, such as conflicts with a boss or difficulty collaborating with team members

    • Finding yourself at a crossroads in your career, feeling unsure about the next steps to take or the direction to go in

    • Confronting any limitations or restrictions in your life, such as a lack of recognition, support, or resources

    • Balancing personal and professional goals, or feeling like your personal life is being compromised by the demands of your career.

    • Reevaluating your reputation and image, and making changes to align with your true values and goals

    • Reflecting on how your professional life fits into the larger picture of your life purpose and values

    • Feeling an increased sense of responsibility and pressure to perform well in your job.

    • Starting a business or being promoted into a position of authority

    • Desiring to make a significant impact or contribution in your life and in the world

  • Saturn transiting the 11th house may provide you with a strong urge to reassess and restructure your social and professional relationships, and to reflect on your goals and aspirations, both individually and as part of a larger group or community. Saturn's influence can bring about challenges in your connections and relationships, testing the stability and strength of your bonds with others.

    These challenges may manifest in experiences such as feeling isolated or disconnected from your social circle, experiencing conflicts or disagreements with friends or allies, or feeling like you are not receiving the support you need from those around you.

    However, with a positive attitude and proactive approach, the Saturn transit in the 11th house can be an opportunity to build stronger, more meaningful relationships and find fulfillment in your connection with others. It's important for you to find healthy ways to cope with these emotions, such as seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-care, or seeking therapy or counseling.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn transit in the 11th house can include:

    • Reflecting on and redefining your social circles and friendships

    • Feeling a sense of loneliness or isolation as you realize that some relationships may no longer serve your growth and personal goals

    • Focusing on building and strengthening your network and connections with others, including professional connections and allies

    • Balancing and maintaining relationships with friends, community, and professional colleagues

    • Feeling a heightened sense of responsibility to use your influence and connections for the greater good and to make a positive impact on society

    • Finding purpose and motivation to work towards your goals with the support of your community and friends

    • Assessing the groups and organizations that you're involved in and whether they align with your values and beliefs

    • Reassessing your friendships and social connections, and potentially letting go of those that no longer serve your growth and development

    • Becoming more involved in your community or larger networks, and finding fulfillment in contributing to a cause or collective effort

    • Struggling to find a sense of belonging or acceptance within your social circle, and feeling like an outsider

    • Challenging the status quo or questioning the values and beliefs of your group or community

    • Reevaluating your goals and aspirations, and making changes to align with your true values and passions.

  • During a Saturn transit in the 12th house, you may face challenges related to your subconscious fears, anxieties, and traumas that may have been affecting you without your knowledge. This can be a time of introspection and self-reflection as you may feel withdrawn or isolated from your normal routine and relationships.

    You may feel confined or limited either physically or emotionally, which may cause you to feel stuck or trapped in your current situation. It's essential to find healthy ways to cope with these emotions, such as seeking support from loved ones, practicing self-care, or seeking therapy or counseling.

    However, this can also be a time of spiritual growth and self-discovery, as you may gain a deeper understanding of your inner self and connect with your unconscious mind. This can lead to a greater sense of awareness and a stronger connection with the spiritual realm.

    Examples of specific experiences during a Saturn transit in the 12th house can include:

    • A need to retreat from social situations and engage in more solitary activities

    • Confronting challenges related to your spirituality or connection with a higher power

    • Struggles with hidden fears, anxieties, or psychological challenges that may have been previously repressed

    • Traveling solo

    • A period of transformation and growth through therapy, spiritual practices, or other forms of self-reflection and introspection

    • Difficulty with feeling "stuck" in your life or feeling like you're not making progress in areas that are important to you

    • A sense of marginality or feeling like you don't fit in with others, and the ability to help others

    • Dealing with "hidden enemies" or challenges that may not have been immediately apparent

    • Feeling a need to disconnect from the outside world and engage in creative or meditative practices

    • Experiencing vivid dreams or a heightened intuition during this time

    • Navigating feelings of guilt, shame, or self-doubt related to past actions or behaviors

    • Confronting past traumas and working towards healing and forgiveness

    • A deeper desire to explore the unknown or pursue mystical or spiritual practices

    • A sense of sacrifice or selflessness, putting the needs of others before your own

    • Challenges related to addiction, escapism, or self-destructive behaviors

    • An opportunity to cultivate greater compassion and empathy towards others and the world around you.


Aquarian Awakening: Pluto's Transit and Its Influence on Your Rising Sign


Pix’s Saturn Return Survival Guide